Quit Smoking Naturally.

Be Healthier.

Use Hypnosis to Quit Smoking!

Have you had enough of smoking? Tired of coughing, day in and day out? Is your breathing laboured when you climb stairs? Is smoking impacting the active and healthy life you want? Have you heard about hypnosis to stop smoking?

Often people initially come to our office feeling frustrated and embarrassed that they are not able to quit on their own. Many have tried everything from e-cigarettes, the patch, gum, and prescription drugs and yet find that they end up smoking again.

Hypnosis to stop the smoking habit is a natural approach that helps you manage the reasons why you smoke in the first place. Does smoking help you manage stress, take a break, escape frustration or boredom? If you learn new ways to manage stress, escape frustration and boredom without smoking then you could easily become smoke-free!

Gary had been smoking for 47 years and had tried numerous programs that didn’t work.

Watch the interview and see how hypnosis changed his life!

Anja recounts how she immediately felt better after only a few days.

“I feel so much better and it has only been a few days. I feel so confident and happier with myself. I am no longer have to make sure I have gum and perfume with me because I can finally say I am a NON SMOKER!

I feel proud of everything that I have accomplished and cannot wait to see how the future will be. No more wasting money, time or energy on something that is slowly killing me. I am in control now.” *

— Anja Markovic

Quit Smoking With Hypnosis

Are You Ready to Quit Smoking?

Jane finds it surprisingly easy!

“Taking this non-smoking journey has been surprisingly easy. I feel better, smell better, feel good about myself and have new ways to cope rather than smoking.”*

– Jane Sparks

Use Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

Ty’s future looks better now as a non-smoker.

“I was disappointed in myself that I was choosing to waste precious money on cigarettes instead of important things. I tried to quit many times on my own but always resorted to the saying in my head “what’s one more cigarette I feel okay”. I needed a helping hand. This program was in investment in my health and has given me a better looking future. I am now a non-smoker and I will never choose to smoke again. I choose life.”*

-Ty LeGrow

What Are You Waiting For?

From 3 Packs a Day to a Non-Smoker.

Watch the interview!

What Is Smoking Costing You?

We are constantly being told by smokers how they endure coughing, endless throat clearing, breathing issues, heart problems, the nasty smell, and feeling like like an outcast as a result of their smoking.  Numerous smokers can even spend thousands of dollars each year on cigarettes.  Imagine what you could by with all that extra money.

Isn’t it time that you escape the dangerous health risks and hassle that smoking causes?  At Fraser Valley Hypnosis our stop smoking hypnosis program can support you in your decision to stop smoking. No patches, gum, drugs or pills.  Stop smoking naturally.

We provide a 30-40 minute FREE screening. It’s interesting and enlightening. We will give you in depth and truthful explanation of hypnosis and evaluate your situation. If we do not believe hypnosis will benefit you, we will tell you so. You have nothing to lose.